Living into Death, Dying into Life
“What if today is that last day? Or tomorrow? Or later this week? Knowing that death will come, how will we respond to the sacred and brief appearance of life?”
-Matt Licata
What are you putting off until tomorrow and why?
Welcome to an intimate journey that offers an opportunity to not only contemplate a sacred end of life but also what creates a meaningful and fulfilling life.
As you ponder the inevitable end of your life, we will walk through your current death beliefs, into a deeper and clearer understanding of your desires to bring more clarity. Although these topics might be ones you have considered and you might possibly have ideas already in place, you will be encouraged to remain open to new findings.
We begin by delving into an ancestral exploration. The loved ones that come forward to assist, will be an important part of the container that will hold us along the journey as we contemplate the following:
How have those close to you died and what have you learned from those experiences?
What is not complete or at peace in your life or with whom, even if they are not alive?
What have you always wanted to do and thought “I will do one day when I have more time or money”?
What needs your attention in your current life?
What have you not shared with those you love and hold dear?
What are your wishes/hopes for your actual dying process?
What would you like done with and to your body after you die?
What would you like to leave behind for those you love?
Do you have your “affairs in order” to make that time easier on your loved ones that remain?
Note: We will explore together in a small group of intimate friends or individually. This is a 2-3 month process that will ask you, to not only contemplate, but take active steps to move forward with these inquiries. Contact me for pricing and more information.
“Committing to this work with Julie has shifted me profoundly and most importantly, it helped heal and deepen my relationship with my father, just prior to his death. Her clarity, wisdom and directness helped guide me to face my eventual death and I came out the other side more alive and fully engaged in my life. I am deeply grateful.”