“Living into Death, Dying into Life”
3-Month Coaching Opportunity
“… What if today is that last day? Or tomorrow? Or later this week?
Knowing that death will come, how will we respond to the sacred and brief appearance of life?"
-Matt Licata
Welcome to a journey of dreaming into your life and your death (born from the Conscious Dying Institute’s “Best 3-month Coaching Process”). This process is an opportunity to expand the presence of your life now, by contemplating your inevitable death. You will greet your future death experience, as you give thought and contemplation to your current life, while simultaneously contemplating what can assist a sacred death process for you and your loved ones.
Thinking about what creates a truly meaningful life is what you are being tasked with at this time. What is not complete or at peace in your life, or with whom? What have you always wanted to do “one day”? What have you not shared with those you love? What in your life could use some attention and care right now? How do you want to be remembered? How do you want your actual dying process to look (if you have the choice)? What would you like done with and to your body, after you die? What would you like to leave behind for those you love? And, do you have your “affairs in order” to make that time easier on your loved ones that remain?
As we journey through this process, we will be exploring the following realms:
Physical (your body and environment)
Emotional (honoring feelings and contemplating relationships)
Spiritual (becoming aware of your beliefs and practices)
Mental (your life legacy and review)
Practical (arrangement for your body after death and legal documents)
Contact me for more detailed information and pricing
“Julie’s work has shifted me profoundly. She has given me the opportunity to appreciate my life and I would never have moved through the tasks and the emotional work without her vision, wisdom and directness. Her commitment to helping me live into my most full, authentic self taught me to face my eventual death, and I have come out the other side more alive and more engaged in my life. I am deeply grateful.”